Product release date: 30 July 2024

Event creation page Revamp

The event creation page now features a new improved interface, designed for better usability.

<Main changes: Side Navigation>

A "Side Navigation" has been added to the left side of the screen, guiding organizers through every step of the process with a clear overview of the different sections to creating an event.

Please note that this update only involves design changes and there are no significant functional changes.

Live streaming service "Peatix Live" now available to all organizers

Additionally, Peatix's proprietary live streaming service, "Peatix Live," is now available to all organizers.

Organizers can now utilize "Peatix Live" as a self-service feature to livestream and broadcast secured and paid content.

*For more detailed information about Peatix Live, please refer to What is Peatix Live?