Update date:

August 27, 2024


Peatix Privacy Policy



With the introduction of the invoice system, Peatix has modified 1.1 (3) to state that if an event organizer elects to issue a qualified invoice, Peatix will obtain a tax registration number and address.


(3)Information obtained when you host events as an organizer
When you host an event as an organizer, we obtain the following information in addition to your Member Information.

  • Phone number; and
  • Bank account information.

In addition to the above, we may obtain information including personal information such as information of event organizers and speakers, and photographs that you post on the event page.


(3)Information obtained when you host events as an organizer
When you host an event as an organizer, we obtain the following information in addition to your Member Information.

  • Phone number; and
  • Bank account information.

We may obtain the following information at your option.

  • Tax registration number; and
  • Address

In addition to the above, we may obtain information including personal information such as information of event organizers and speakers, and photographs that you post on the event page.


Update date:

June 18, 2024


Peatix Terms of Service



Our operations so far have been as follows: in the event that the amount of the ticket sales price is less than the amount of the processing and other fees, the Organizer is not required by Peatix to pay such fees, and at the same time, may, Peatix withholds the payment of the ticket sales price. Article 9, Paragraph 4 has been newly added to the Individual Terms of Service for Event Organizers/Co-organizers in order to specify such operations.


Individual Terms of Service for Event Organizers/Co-organizers.

Article 9 (Payouts)

  1. If the amount of the ticket sales price is less than the amount of the processing and other fees, Peatix may, at its own discretion, withhold the payment of the ticket sales price without notifying the Organizer. In this case, the Organizer is not required by Peatix to pay such fees.


Update date:

February 1, 2024


Peatix Terms of Service



Article 11-2 has been newly added to the Individual Terms of Service for Event Organizers/Co-organizers in order to clarify matters that the Event Organizer should keep in mind when using the Service.


Individual Terms of Service for Event Organizers/Co-organizers.

Article 11-2 (Prohibition of Donation Tickets)

  1. By using the Service, the Organizer may not issue Tickets for the purpose of soliciting donations. Provided, however, if the Organizer is an incorporated legal entity and the event page clearly states that goods or rights provided in paragraph 2 of this Article (including, but not limited to, thank-you gifts related to the Event, rights to view videos, etc.) will be given in exchange for the donation, it may solicit donations in conjunction with the Event being held on Peatix.  Further, the Organizer shall comply to all applicable laws and regulations for soliciting donations,
  2. Items that can be given in exchange for the donation are the following:
    1. Right to participate in the Event
    2. Event-related thank-you gifts
    3. Video viewing rights related to the Event
    4. Other items similar to the above

 Newsletter subscriptions, thank you emails, subscription to email lists, etc. are not considered compensation.


Update date:

February 1, 2024


Peatix Privacy Policy



1.1 (2) of the Peatix Privacy Policy has been amended and 1.1 (5) has been added to make the Service more secure for customers.


1.1. Personal information required to provide our Services

(2)Information obtained from settlement institutions

We will acquire certain information provided by you to our partner payment institutions to the extent necessary to facilitate our payment operations to settle payments for event tickets and other Services purchased by you. The handling of personal information by our partner settlement institutions is subject to the terms and policies established by each settlement institution. We do not store any of your payment information.


1.1. Personal information required to provide our Services

(2)Information obtained from settlement institutions

We will acquire certain information provided by you to our partner payment institutions to the extent necessary to facilitate our payment operations to settle payments for event tickets and other Services purchased by you and prevent unauthorized use of credit cards, etc. The handling of personal information by our partner settlement institutions is subject to the terms and policies established by each settlement institution. We do not store any of your payment information.


1.1. Personal information required to provide our Services

(5)Information obtained for safe use of Peatix

In order for you to safely use the Service, we will contact you at the designated contact point if any act is found to be in violation of our Terms of Use, etc. In connection with such communications, we may be provided with your user name, the name and URL of the Event you attended or hosted, details of acts suspected of violating our Terms of Service, photos and videos of Events you attended or hosted, etc. Personal information contained in such information is obtained for the safe operation of the Service by checking for violations of our Terms of Service, etc.


Update date:

September 25, 2023(Mon)


Peatix Terms of Service



To ensure the smooth operation of our Service and to clarify the obligations of users to Peatix and other members, Article 4 of the General Provisions has been amended to  add  section numbers and the contents of Section 3 have been newly added.



Article 4 (Membership and Member Registration)

Individuals who have given their consent to this Agreement and have completed the prescribed membership application will be granted Membership after completion of the prescribed registration procedures. Member Registration should be carried out by the person applying to be a member him or herself. Registration by a representative will not be recognized. Additionally, persons younger than 13 years of age cannot register to be Members of the Site. Minors require parental consent before Member Registration. Member Registration by Minors above 13 years of age is treated as registration with parental consent. Furthermore, those who have previously had their Membership revoked or have been judged unfit for Membership by Peatix may be refused.



Article 4 (Membership, and Member Registration, and Member’s Obligations)

1. Individuals who have given their consent to this Agreement and have completed the prescribed membership application will be granted Membership after completion of the prescribed registration procedures. 

2. Member Registration should be carried out by the person applying to be a member him or herself. Registration by a representative will not be recognized. Additionally, persons younger than 13 years of age cannot register to be Members of the Site. Minors require parental consent before Member Registration. Member Registration by Minors above 13 years of age is treated as registration with parental consent.

3. In the event a Member is inquired by Peatix or any other Member regarding the information registered or Events published on Peatix, such Member should immediately respond to such inquiry.

4. The membership for  Furthermore, those who have previously had their Membership revoked or have been judged unfit for Membership by Peatix may be refused.

To ensure that our customers can use our Service safely, we have added Article 19 (Peatix’s Representations and Warranties) in our General terms.Changes were also made to correct the misalignment of article numbers associated with this amendment. 



Article 19 (Peatix’s Representations and Warranties)

1. Peatix is deemed to represent and guarantee that we (including our managements and employees) do not and will not in the future apply to Organized Crime Syndicates etc. (as defined in Article 13 of the Individual Terms of Service for Event Organizers/Co-organizers) or to any of the sections below. Peatix is also deemed to confirm that we will not make any action that falls into any of the items listed in Section 2 by ourselves or by using other third parties.

Peatix hereby warrants and guarantees that we will not engage in the following activities, either directly or through an intermediary:

ⅰ. Operating an entity having such relationship with Organized Crime Syndicates etc. that shows their control over the entity’s management.

ⅱ. Operating an entity having such relationship with Organized Crime Syndicates etc. that shows their substantial involvement in the entity’s management.

ⅲ. Operating an entity having such relationship with Organized Crime Syndicates etc. that shows reliance on Organized Crime Syndicates etc. for the purpose of unfairly benefiting oneself, one’s own company or third parties or of damaging third parties.

ⅳ. Operating an entity having such relationship that shows provision of funds or facilities to Organized Crime Syndicates etc.

ⅴ. Operating an entity of which Board members or people substantially involved in its management have socially condemnable relationship with Organized Crime Syndicates etc.

2. Peatix hereby warrants and guarantees that we will not engage in the following activities, either directly or through an intermediary:

ⅰ. Claims made with forceful behavior and acts of violence.

ⅱ. Unjust claims exceeding legal responsibilities.

ⅲ. Use of threatening action or statements, or violent acts and behaviors in connection with any transaction between the parties.

ⅳ. Acts and behaviors which may damage the credit or obstruct the business of the bank by spreading false rumors or the use of fraudulent means or by force.

ⅴ. Other acts and behavior equivalent to the above howsoever described.

To prevent fraudulent use of our Service and to ensure that our customers can use our Service safely, we have added the underlined items in Article 5-2 (Mandatory Ticket Cancellations) of Individual Terms of Service for Attendees and Article 9-2 (Handling of Mandatory Canceled Tickets) of the Individual Terms of Service for Event Organizers/Co-organizers.


Individual Terms of Service for Attendees

Article 5-2 (Mandatory Ticket Cancellations)

1.Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 5, if a ticket purchased by an Attendee is suspected to have been purchased by fraudulent means, Peatix will forcibly cancel the ticket.

Fraudulent means shall include, but is not limited to, cases where Peatix's own fraud detection system suspects fraudulent use of a credit card, or where the person who used a credit card suspected of fraudulent use is suspected of using another credit card.

2.Cancellation of a ticket under the preceding paragraph will result in such Attendee not being able to participate in the event, for which Peatix shall not be liable.


Individual Terms of Service for Event Organizers/Co-organizers.

Article 9-2 (Handling of Mandatory Canceled Tickets)

1.If a ticket purchased by an Attendee is suspected to have been purchased by fraudulent means, Peatix will forcibly cancel the ticket. In such case, Peatix  will notify the organizer to that effect and will not disburse the ticket sales proceeds in accordance with the provisions of Article 9.

Fraudulent means shall include, but is not limited to, cases where Peatix's own fraud detection system suspects fraudulent use of a credit card, or where the person who used a credit card suspected of fraudulent use is suspected of using another credit card.

2.The organizer will not receive the sales price of the ticket due to the cancellation of the ticket in the preceding paragraph, for which Peatix shall not be liable.


Update date:

July 19, 2023(Wed)



Peatix Terms of Service



To ensure that our customers can use our Service safely, we have added the underlined items in Article 11 (Prohibitions) of General and Article 6 (Review and Prohibition of Events) of the Individual Terms of Service for Event Organizers/Co-organizers.

[Before the update]


Article 11 (Prohibitions)

Members must not engage in the following acts in connection with the usage of this Site:

  1. Violating the law, Guideline, these Agreements, warnings from Peatix or this Site, or any other agreement.
  2. Violating the rights of or degrading Members or other third parties.
  3. Actions that may negatively affect the physical and mental well-being of minors.
  4. Distributing or submitting harmful computer programs or e-mails.
  5. Lending or giving an username and password to a third party, or sharing an username and password with a third party.
  6. Unauthorized reproduction, transmission or distribution of all or part of provided information to third parties.
  7. Using the Site for activities related to elections for public office at any time.
  8. Actions that may violate intellectual property rights such as copyrights, trade mark rights or Peatix or other third parties.
  9. In addition to the one prescribed by the preceding paragraph, actions that may violate the property rights, privacy, portrait rights, or any other rights of Peatix or other third parties.
  10. Action that may violate social ethics, public order, and standards of decency.
  11. Intentionally registering false information such as name, address, phone number, or email address of themself or another person.
  12. Posting false or inaccurate information regarding the event.
  13. Posting questions or complaints regarding the accuracy of the feature or information of the Services.
  14. Using the Services for a purpose unintended by Peatix.
  15. Engaging in hateful conduct, harassment and other misconduct against Peatix or other third parties.
  16. Actions that may lead to or has the risk of leading to crimes such as fraud, abusage of controlled substances, prostitution, or money laundering.
  17. Soliciting customers to transactions other than the Services by indicating preferential treatment or by any other method.
  18. Other instances otherwise deemed inappropriate by Peatix.

[After the update]

Article 11 (Prohibitions)

Members must not engage in the following acts in connection with the usage of this Site:

  1. Violating the law, Guideline, these Agreements, warnings from Peatix or this Site, or any other agreement.
  2. Violating the rights of or degrading Members or other third parties.
  3. Actions that may negatively affect the physical and mental well-being of minors.
  4. Promoting sexual exploitation of children, including child sexual abuse, child pornography, child prostitution, and photoshooting events targeted at children under the age of 18.
  5. Distributing or submitting harmful computer programs or e-mails.
  6. Lending or giving an username and password to a third party, or sharing an username and password with a third party.
  7. Unauthorized reproduction, transmission or distribution of all or part of provided information to third parties.
  8. Using the Site for activities related to elections for public office at any time.
  9. Actions that may violate intellectual property rights such as copyrights, trade mark rights or Peatix or other third parties.
  10. In addition to the one prescribed by the preceding paragraph, actions that may violate the property rights, privacy, portrait rights, or any other rights of Peatix or other third parties.
  11. Posting images or videos that expose nudity, genitalia, or nipples; or conducting events containing or aimed at sexual acts, sexually explicit conduct, sexual contact, sexual massage, stripping, or other sexually stimulating events, that may cause sexual arousal, stimulation, or sexual embarrassment. 
  12. Action that may violate social ethics, public order, and standards of decency.
  13. Intentionally registering false information such as name, address, phone number, or email address of themself or another person.
  14. Posting false or inaccurate information regarding the event.
  15. Posting questions or complaints regarding the accuracy of the feature or information of the Services.
  16. Using the Services for a purpose unintended by Peatix.
  17. Engaging in hateful conduct, harassment and other misconduct against Peatix or other third parties.
  18. Actions that may lead to or has the risk of leading to crimes such as fraud, abusage of controlled substances, prostitution, or money laundering.
  19. Soliciting customers to transactions other than the Services by indicating preferential treatment or by any other method.
  20. Advertising products or services unrelated to an event or to attempt to increase the number of visitors to or attract attention to a website unrelated to the event
  21. Collecting personal information or other information under the pretense of hosting an event
  22. Directing users to sites that spread harmful software, attempt to collect personal information, or otherwise adversely affect users
  23. Other instances otherwise deemed inappropriate by Peatix.

[Before the update]

Article 6 (Review and Prohibition of Events)

When the Organizer/Co-organizer publishes an Event which accepts orders for Free Ticket or Paid Ticket, Peatix reserves the right to review the content of the event based on the guideline specified in these Agreements. Peatix reserves the right to prohibit a Member from using the Service, changing a Member's username and/or password or deleting a Member's account or canceling an Event without prior notice if a created Event or action by a Member is considered to qualify for any of the following. Peatix bears no liability or bears no responsibility for any losses incurred by the Member as a result of these actions.

  1. Actions that violate the law or these Agreements.
  2. Inappropriate or unauthorized use of the service by a Member.
  3. Events for the purpose of recruiting membership for a particular ideology or religion.
  4. Events that violate public order and morality, such as for the purposes of conducting sexual and obscene acts or seeking encounters with strangers of the opposite sex.
  5. Events that include false or inaccurate information or the information is insufficient to confirm the contents of the event.
  6. Events that violate the rights and honor of the Members or other third parties.
  7. Events that post or send harmful computer programs or emails.
  8. Events that provide part or entirety of the information provided on the Site or through the Services to a third party by methods such as copy, reproduction, sending, transferring, distribution, without prior approval from Peatix.
  9. Events that include actions equal or similar to an election campaign, regardless of whether or not during the election period.
  10. Events that include actions that may violate intellectual property rights such as copyrights, trade mark rights of Peatix or other third parties.
  11. In addition to the action prescribed in the preceding paragraph, events that include actions that may violate the property rights, privacy, portrait rights, or any other rights of Peatix or other third parties.
  12. Events that include postage of questions or complaints regarding the accuracy of the feature or information of the Services.
  13. Events using the Services for a purpose unintended by Peatix.
  14. Events that create a nuisance to Peatix or other third parties.
  15. Events that may lead to or has the risk of leading to crimes such as fraud, abusage of controlled substances, prostitution, or money laundering.
  16. Events that solicit customers to transactions other than the Services by indicating preferential treatment or by any other method.
  17. Other instances otherwise deemed inappropriate by Peatix.

[After the update]

Article 6 (Review and Prohibition of Events)

When the Organizer/Co-organizer publishes an Event which accepts orders for Free Ticket or Paid Ticket, Peatix reserves the right to review the content of the event based on the guideline specified in these Agreements. Peatix reserves the right to prohibit a Member from using the Service, changing a Member's username and/or password or deleting a Member's account or canceling an Event without prior notice if a created Event or action by a Member is considered to qualify for any of the following. Peatix bears no liability or bears no responsibility for any losses incurred by the Member as a result of these actions.

  1. Actions that violate the law or these Agreements.
  2. Inappropriate or unauthorized use of the service by a Member.
  3. Events for the purpose of recruiting membership for a particular ideology or religion.
  4. Events that violate public order and morality, such as for the purposes of conducting sexual and obscene acts or seeking encounters with strangers of the opposite sex.
  5. Events containing images or videos that expose nudity, genitalia, or nipples; or events containing or aimed at sexual acts, sexually explicit conduct, sexual contact, sexual massage, stripping, or other sexually stimulating events, that may cause sexual arousal, stimulation, or sexual embarrassment. 
  6. Events promoting sexual exploitation of children, including child sexual abuse, child pornography, child prostitution, and photoshooting events targeted at children under the age of 18.
  7. Events that include false or inaccurate information or the information is insufficient to confirm the contents of the event.
  8. Events that violate the rights and honor of the Members or other third parties.
  9. Events that post or send harmful computer programs or emails.
  10. Events that provide part or entirety of the information provided on the Site or through the Services to a third party by methods such as copy, reproduction, sending, transferring, distribution, without prior approval from Peatix.
  11. Events that include actions equal or similar to an election campaign, regardless of whether or not during the election period.
  12. Events that include actions that may violate intellectual property rights such as copyrights, trade mark rights of Peatix or other third parties.
  13. In addition to the action prescribed in the preceding paragraph, events that include actions that may violate the property rights, privacy, portrait rights, or any other rights of Peatix or other third parties.
  14. Events that include postage of questions or complaints regarding the accuracy of the feature or information of the Services.
  15. Events using the Services for a purpose unintended by Peatix.
  16. Events that create a nuisance to Peatix or other third parties.
  17. Events that may lead to or has the risk of leading to crimes such as fraud, abusage of controlled substances, prostitution, or money laundering.
  18. Events that solicit customers to transactions other than the Services by indicating preferential treatment or by any other method.
  19. Events that advertise products or services unrelated to the Event or to attempt to increase the number of visitors to or attract attention to a website unrelated to the Event
  20. Collecting personal information or other information under the pretense of hosting an Event
  21. Events that direct users to sites that spread harmful software, attempt to collect personal information, or otherwise adversely affect users.
  22. Other instances otherwise deemed inappropriate by Peatix.


Update date: 

April 13, 2023 (Thu)


Peatix Terms of Service


Community Guideline



Peatix Terms of Service

General Article 3 

The ticket price is received by Peatix based on the receipt authority from the Organizer and paid to the Organizer. The entity which handles payments based on the receipt authority varies depending on the country in which the organizer is located, therefore this update was made to clarify the entities that handle payments. We have also included information on our role when applying for and paying for tickets outside of the Peatix platform.

[Before the update]

Article 3 (Role of Peatix)

Peatix provides a platform where third parties, Organizers and Attendees, complete transactions and payments between them. Peatix bears no liability on the actual transactions between Organizers and Members, or among Members. Therefore, upon completion of the transaction, an agreement is made between the Organizer and Attendee. Any dispute including refunds for a canceled event must be resolved between the Organizer and Attendee, and Peatix bears no responsibility.

[After the update]

Article 3 (Role of Peatix)

1.    Peatix provides a platform where Organizers and Attendees conclude transactions and settle payments. Peatix bears no liability on the actual transactions between Organizers and Attendees. Therefore, upon completion of the transaction in accordance with Article 3 of the Individual Terms of Service for Attendees, an agreement is made 

between the Organizer and Attendee. 

2.    The Organizer shall authorize Peatix (or an affiliated subsidiary of Peatix) to receive the ticket price paid by the Attendee on behalf of the Organizer.The Attendee’s obligation to pay the ticket price under the on the contract concluded between the Organizer and the Attendee shall be deemed to have been completed when Peatix (or an affiliated subsidiary of Peatix) receives such ticket price from the Attendee on behalf of the Organizer.

The authority to accept payment on behalf of the Organizer shall be granted to Peatix Japan K.K. if the Organizer is located in Japan, Peatix Inc. if the Organizer is located in the U.S., Peatix Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. if the Organizer is located in Malaysia, or Peatix Asia Pte. Ltd. if the Organizer is located in any other country.

3.    The provisions of the preceding paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to those that allow registration or ticket purchase through a site other than Peatix.

4.    In the event of a dispute between a Member as Organizer and another Member or between Members (including refunds in the event that an event is canceled), the dispute shall be resolved between the Members concerned and Peatix shall not be held liable.

General Article 20

This update is made to clarify the governing law, jurisdiction and applicable language of the Agreement, including in the case of online events.

[Before the update]

Article 20 (Governing Laws and Jurisdiction)

The governance and jurisdiction of these Agreements shall be deemed as follows:

1.    For any disputes arising out of or in connection with Events conducted in Japan, the laws of Japan shall govern these Agreements, and any controversy or claim resulting out of or relating to these Agreements shall be settled in the District Court of Tokyo.

2.    For any disputes arising out of or in connection with Events conducted outside of Japan, the laws of the State of New York and the United States of America shall govern these Agreements, and any controversy or claim resulting out of or relating to these Agreements shall be settled in the federal or state courts of New York, USA.

[After the update]

Article 20 (Language, Governing Laws and Jurisdiction)

The language, governance and law and jurisdiction of these Agreements shall be as follows:

1.    For any disputes arising out of or in connection with Events conducted in Japan (including online events held by Organizers in Japan), the Japanese version of these Agreements shall apply and, the laws of Japan shall govern these Agreements. In this case,any controversy or claim resulting out of or relating to these Agreements shall be settled in the District Court of Tokyo for the first instance.

2.    For any disputes arising out of or in connection with Events conducted outside of Japan (including online events held by Organizers outside of Japan), the English version of these Agreements shall apply and, the laws of the State of New York, United States of America shall govern these Agreements. In this case, any controversy or claim resulting out of or relating to these Agreements shall be settled in the federal or state courts of New York, USA.

Individual Terms of Service for Attendees Article 3

This update is made to clarify that for tickets ordered on Peatix, a contract for services related to such tickets will be concluded between the organizer and the participant.

[Before the update]

Article 3 (Ticket Transaction)

Users shall purchase a ticket by a method specified by Peatix, and check and agree to the Agreement and Privacy Policy provided by Peatix in advance. The transaction is considered complete when a ticket order confirmation email is sent by Peatix, and in case of a Paid Ticket, sales agreement is made upon completion of the transaction between the Organizer and those who made the purchase. Ticket will be displayed digitally in the smartphone applications for Attendees provided by Peatix or in the designated page on the Site. Peatix bears no responsibility for the delay of ticket receipt by the Member or any resultant damage caused by reasons attributable to the Member including incorrect information provided in the order process.

[After the update]

Article 3 (Ticket Order and Transaction)

In order to purchase a ticket, Users shall confirm and accept the Agreement and the Privacy Policy set forth by Peatix in advance, and place a ticket order in the manner prescribed by Peatix. The transaction is considered complete when a ticket order confirmation email is sent by Peatix, and an agreement for the transaction regarding the services for such ticket between the Organizer and those User who made the ticket order is made upon completion of the transaction. Tickets shall be displayed digitally in the smartphone applications provided by Peatix for Attendees or electronically in the designated page on the Site. Peatix bears no responsibility for the delay of ticket receipt by the Member or any resultant damage caused by reasons attributable to the Member including incorrect information provided in the order process.

Individual Terms of Service for Attendees Article 9

We have made this update to clarify that for customers using our subscription service, the membership subscription fee is payment for services provided by the Organizer for the purpose of community building and development.

[Before the update]

Article 9 (Subscription Service)

For the purpose of creating and developing communities, the Service provides a feature which enables Organizers, regardless of whether the organizer holds an event, to collect membership subscription fees or support funds for the continuation of activities of the community from the members on a monthly or annual basis. Peatix collects these membership subscription fees or support funds and transfers the funds to the Organizer after deducting of the relevant fee specified by Peatix. Below provisions are applied to the Subscription service:

[After the update]

Article 9 (Subscription Service)

The Service provides a feature which enables Organizers, regardless of whether the Organizer holds an event, in consideration for providing services for creating and developing communities, to collect membership subscription fees on a monthly or annual basis or support funds for the continuation of activities of the community from the Members.

Individual Terms of Service for Event Organizers/Co-organizers Article 3

The wording has been revised regarding the liability of the organizer in the event of non-conformity with the content of the contract between the Organizer and the Attendee.

[Before the update]

Article 3 (Creation and Publishing of Events and Tickets)

Events and Tickets published through this Service are created by Event Organizers using the service. Peatix holds no responsibility or liability for the contents of the Events. Responsibility for paying the consumption tax on ticket sales is held by the Event Organizers. In case there is a defect in the event or a resultant complaint from the Attendee, the Organizer shall handle this in a sincere manner at their full responsibility and cost. However, Peatix reserves the right to, at our discretion, determine and handle complaints from the Attendee on behalf of the Organizer without any advance notice to the Organizer. Peatix reserves the right to, and the Organizer agrees to, charge the Organizer any cost Peatix incurred to handle such complaint and the Organizer compensate for such charge.

[After the update]

Article 3 (Creation and Publishing of Events and Tickets)

Organizers shall publish Events and issue Tickets using the Service. Peatix holds no responsibility or liability for the contents of the Events. Responsibility for paying the consumption tax on ticket sales is held by the Event Organizers. If any of the Events provided to Attendees do not conform to the the contract between the Organizer and the Attendees (“Non-Conformity”) , or if any claims from Attendees arise as a result of Non-Conformity, the Organizer shall deal with the Attendees in good faith at its own responsibility and expense and Peatix shall not be held liable. However, Peatix reserves the right to, at our discretion, determine and handle complaints from the Attendee on behalf of the Organizer without any advance notice to the Organizer. Peatix reserves the right to, and the Organizer agrees to, charge the Organizer any cost Peatix incurred to handle such complaint and the Organizer compensate for such charge.

Individual Terms of Service for Event Organizers/Co-organizers Article 16

This update is made to clarify the ownership of intellectual property rights related to content posted by the Organizer on the event pages, etc.


Article 16 (Granting of Rights to Information on the Event Page)

1.    The Organizer reserves the intellectual property rights and other rights to the contents (the "Contents") described on pages within the Peatix service, including the event page, for which it holds the intellectual property rights. 

2.    By submitting, posting or displaying the Contents, the Organizer agree to grant Peatix a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, modify, adapt, publish, transmit, display and distribute (including archival distribution) such Content in any form, format, media or media channel, whether known or later developed.

3.    The Organizer represents and warrants that it has all rights, licenses, consents, permissions, authorizations, and powers necessary to grant the licenses set forth in the preceding paragraph with respect to the Contents.

Individual Terms of Service for Resale 

Individual Terms of Service for Resale are deleted as we have ceased this service.

Community Guideline

Sections 6 and 7 shall be added as below.


6. Restrictions on Sexual Content and Events

Peatix restricts the display of sexual content and hosting of sexual Events because our community users may find such content and Events offensive. Therefore, it is prohibited to post or conduct any content or events that may cause sexual arousal, stimulation, or sexual embarrassment, including but not limited to the following. This shall not apply to content related to education, research, medical purposes, or artistic expression.

Restrictions on Content :

●    Images or videos that expose nudity, genitalia, or nipples

Restrictions on Events :

●    Events containing or aimed at sexual acts, sexually explicit conduct, sexual contact,  sexual massage, stripping, or other sexually stimulating events

7. Child Protection

Peatix does not tolerate violations of children's rights. We prohibit content and Events that promote the sexual exploitation of children under the age of 18, including child sexual abuse, child pornography, child prostitution, and photoshooting events targeted at children.


Update date: 

October 13, 2022 (Thu)


Peatix Terms of Service


■Major changes to the Terms of Use

General Article 10. 

We have eliminated the upper limit of the Company's disclaimer of liability and the disclaimer of liability in certain cases with respect to customers who fall under the category of consumers.

General: Article 13. 

In order to ensure safer use of our services, we have added grounds for membership revocation in the event of unauthorized use of our services.

General: Article 16. 

The description has been revised in accordance with the changes to the Privacy Policy.

Individual Terms of Service for Event Organizers/Co-organizers: Article 2

Article 2 has been revised in line with the changes to the Privacy Policy.

Individual Terms of Service for Event Organizers/Co-organizers: Article 6 and Article 9 

In order to ensure safer use of the service, grounds for membership revocation and event suspension have been added for events that contain false or inaccurate information or have insufficient event information, and the cases in which payments will not be made have been clearly stated.

Individual Terms of Service for Event Organizers/Co-organizers: Article 10.

In addition to the method of applying for the Promotion Service on the website/application, the method of applying through a Peatix sales representative has been added.

Individual Terms of Service for Event Organizers/Co-organizers: Article 12.

Clarified that Peatix does not support the solicitation of membership fees or donations without consideration for participant members.

Please refer to the link for the full text of the changes.


Privacy Policy


■Reason for Update of Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy has been updated to provide more detailed information on the Company's handling of customers' personal information, primarily with respect to the following items.

・Collection of Personal Information

・Purpose of Use

・Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

・Use of Cookies and Analysis tools

・Security Control Measures

・Retention Period

・Customer Rights

Please refer to the link for the full text of the privacy policy.


Update date: 

July 12, 2022 (Tue)


Peatix Terms of Service



・Removed Article 16, Paragraph 2 regarding to the handling of personal information from the Peatix Terms of Service and added to Section 5, Paragraph 3 of the Privacy Policy.


Privacy Policy



・Added Section 2, Paragraph 1 (ii) regarding handling of personal data for contents download service.

・Added Section 2, Paragraph 1 (iii) regarding handling of personal data for questionnaire form.

・Added Section 4 to clarify handling of personal data for outsourcing.

・Added Section 5, Paragraph 1 to clarify joint use of personal information within Peatix’s affiliate companies.

・Added Section 5, Paragraph 3 which was removed from Article 16, Paragraph 2 of the Peatix Terms of Service.


Update date: 

October 15, 2021 (Fri)

■ Target:

Peatix Terms of Service


■ Updates:

  • Add below clause to Article 10, Peatix's Liability Limitations.

    10. Peatix may delete the information which Organizers collected through the Service in accordance with the guideline designated by Peatix. Such information includes personal information such as address, phone number, company name, title, which is obtained by Organizers through the form created by Organizer as needed. Peatix will bear no responsibility for any damages resulting from such deletion.


Update date: 

August 18, 2021 (Wed)

■ Target:

Peatix Terms of Service


■ Updates:

  • Added "Individual Terms of Service for Peatix Live (™)".
  • Revised the language of Article 6, Review and Prohibition of Events, in Individual Terms of Service for Event Organizers/Co-organizers.
  • Revised the language in Article 18, Revisions to these Agreements, in General as below.

1.  Peatix may, at its discretion, revise these Agreements in the following cases:

i  in the event any revisions to these Agreements conform to the general interests of Members; or

ii  in the event any revisions to these Agreements do not violate the purpose of using the Site, and the necessity of such revisions and the appropriateness of such revised contents are reasonable in light of the details of such revisions and other circumstances pertaining to such revisions.

2.  When revising these Agreements as set forth in the preceding paragraph, Peatix shall post a statement of the revisions to these Agreements and the contents of these revised Agreements and the effective date thereof on the Peatix's website ( https://help-attendee.peatix.com/en/support/solutions/articles/44001967074 ) or notify the Member by e-mail in principle one (1) month prior to the effective date of these revised Agreements.

3.  In the event any Member uses the Site after the effective date of these revised Agreements, such Member shall be deemed to have agreed to the revisions to these Agreements.

■ Target:

Privacy Policy


■ Updates:

  • Revised the language in Article 5, Cookies related to advertisements and notification emails.


Update date: 

August 18, 2020 (Tue)

■ Updated Terms of Service:

・Peatix Service Terms of Service (for residents in Japan and events in Japan)


・Peatix Non-Japan Terms of Service


■ Updates:

1. We have merged Peatix Service Terms of Service (for residents in Japan and events in Japan) and Peatix Non-Japan Terms of Service into Peatix Terms of Service with both English and Japanese versions.

Before the update

・Peatix Service Terms of Service (for residents in Japan and events in Japan)


* This TOS applies to users who reside in Japan and attend events conducted within Japan.

* This TOS is governed by the laws of Japan, and any controversy or claim resulting out of or relating to the TOS shall be settled in the Tokyo court.

・Peatix Non-Japan Terms of Service


* This TOS applies to a) users who do not reside in Japan attending events conducted and ticketed outside Japan; and b) users not residing in Japan attending events conducted and ticketed within Japan; c) users residing in Japan attending events conducted and ticketed outside Japan. 

* The laws of the State of New York, United States of America govern the TOS, and any controversy or claim resulting out of or relating to the TOS shall be settled in the federal or state courts of New York, USA. 

After the update

The revised TOS will be posted on the URL below on Tuesday, August 18, 2020.

・Peatix Terms of Service (Japanese version)


・Peatix Terms of Service (English version)


* The same content is written in Japanese and English, and both TOS versions apply to all Peatix users regardless of their country of residence.

* The revised TOS shall be interpreted in accordance with Japanese law when the event is held in Japan, and in this case, any controversy or claim resulting out of or relating to the TOS shall be settled in the Tokyo court. On the other hand, if the event is held outside Japan, the TOS shall be  interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, United States of America, and in this case, any controversy or claim resulting out of or relating to the TOS shall be settled in the federal or state courts of New York, USA. 

2. We have added that a payment fee of 220 JPY per order is required for ticket purchase via convenience store/ATM payment (payment method in Japan only).

3. Ticket cancellation fee per order is charged to ticket buyers who purchased tickets via convenience store/ATM payment (payment method in Japan only) or credit card payment that has been more than 50 days before cancellation date. For events held in Japan, we have changed the cancellation fee from 500 JPY to 340 JPY.

4. Ticket cancellation fee per order is charged to event organizers who cancelled event with tickets purchased via convenience store/ATM payment (payment method in Japan only) or credit card payment that has been more than 50 days before the cancellation date. For events held in Japan, we have changed the cancellation fee from 500 JPY to 340 JPY.

5. We have added that organizer who cancelled the event in a method specified by Peatix will be required to pay the cancellation fee per order through PayPal.