After purchasing your ticket, you can access your receipt from :

Accessing receipt from the Tickets dashboard

1. Please access your tickets dashboard:

2. Please login with the same account that you used when you purchased your ticket. You may skip this step if you are already logged in.

- If the account was created using your email address, please log in with your registered email and password.

- If the account was not created using your email address, please access your account by selecting Agree and Sign in with Facebook/Twitter/Google/Apple according to the account you used to create your account.

3. On the Tickets dashboard, click the "View receipts" button.

4. From the Ticket Purchase History, click the "Receipts" button on the right end of the order.

Accessing tickets from the order confirmation email

You can also click the "Receipt" button in the order confirmation email to access your receipt. 

Edit Receipt

By clicking the "Edit receipt" button in the receipt, you can edit the 'Buyer name' and 'In payment of' sections.

※ "Total" shows the amount including tax.

※ Do note that Peatix is not able to issue receipt other than the receipt in the below format.

※ Received from: You may edit your name here.

※ Issued on: The issued date is the date the receipt is created. 

※ Receipt is issued on a per-order basis, if you purchase multiple tickets under the same order, receipt cannot be issued for each individual ticket.