If you are having trouble resetting your password, it may be due to one of the reasons below.
The message "Please enter a valid email address." is displayed

If you have accessed https://peatix.com/user/forgot_password and the above message is displayed after entering your email address, that address is not registered with Peatix.
If you have forgotten the email address you used when creating a Peatix account, please visit How to access your account when you forgot your login details.
Please enter the correct email address and click "Reset Password" again.
The message "Your password reset link has expired or has already been used." is displayed
Please note that the "Reset Password" link in the email that enables you to reset your password (titled "Password reset request") expires after some time. If the above message is displayed when you click on this link, it means that the link is no longer valid.
Please follow the steps on this help page and try changing your password again: How to reset your password.
You do not receive a password reset email
If you do not receive an email that enables you to reset your password (titled "Password reset request"), refer to this help page: What should I do when I cannot receive emails from Peatix?
You cannot click the "Reset Password" button

When you have entered a new password in the "Create a new password" screen but you cannot click the "Reset Password" button (i.e., the button does not turn green), the password is not meeting all the requirements.
The password must satisfy all the following criteria:
- At least 8 characters long
- Include 1 lowercase letter
- Include 1 uppercase letter
- Include 1 number
- Include 1 special character (!, ?, #, etc.)
A green checkmark appears for the requirement that has been met. You will be able to click the "Reset Password" button once a checkmark appears for all five requirements.
You do not see the "Reset Password" button in the password reset email
The password reset email is in HTML format. If you do not see the "Reset Password" button in the password reset email (titled "Password reset request"), it may be due to the settings for your email software.
Please check and adjust the settings for your email software so that you will be able to receive and view HTML emails.