The email address of your account registered with Peatix can be changed from the Peatix app (iOS/Android) by following the steps below.

*For details on changing the email address from a computer/smartphone browser, please refer to How to change your email address(PC/Smartphone browser).

How to change your email address

1. After signing in, select "Settings" from the "Profile" tab.

2. Select "Change Email Address".

3. After entering your new email address in the "New email address" field, tap "Done" in the upper right corner of the screen for iOS, or tap the "check mark" for Android.

<Important notice>

*If you change the model of your mobile phone/smart phone or switch to another company, you may not be able to receive carrier emails. Therefore, we recommend that you register an address such as Gmail or Yahoo.

*If you see the message "This email you entered has already been registered" after entering your new email address and clicking "Done" or "check mark", the email address you entered is already registered to another Peatix account.

You cannot use an email address that is already registered, so please enter a different email address. 

4. The message "Instructions on how to reset the email address is sent to your new email address" and an email will be sent to your new email address.

*If you do not receive the email, please refer to What should I do when I cannot receive emails from Peatix?.

5. Tap the "Reset Email" button in the email. 

6. Sign in with the email address and password you used before the change, or with your registered external service account (Facebook/Twitter/Google/Apple). 

7. When the message "Your email address was reset" appears, your email address change is complete.

When you sign in to Peatix in the future, please enter your new email address.